Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Social Commotion

In my opinion all that was told in the article was not right. I think that adults and parents shouldn't have the right to control children and college students social network and what they post on them. That takes away the reality of those networks. Social networking privilege. The writer is somewhat correct when he says this to. Children can ruin there careers by posting things on a social networking site. Some of these actions could get them in jail. For example cyber bullying and pictures of inappropriate things. That is what I got from that article


  1. I agree, because facebook is a place for you to interact with your friends, not for adults to stalk you on.

  2. I agree because student can ruin their chances with a certain college because of what the posted. Its not fair.

  3. agreed caroline i totes agree. but ryan this is true because you have a desired college to go to and you cant ruin it over a small thing like that

  4. Though I do not know any of you, thanks for all the support
